This explanation a little long, but I hope that I have been able to be simplified to be accessible to everyone and Hoan KODI way to install software on Windows and Android and you'll see that with the exception of the first installation, all settings are the same.
Installation and startup on Windows
KODI go to site and download the file for Baloyndoz and install it anywhere you want. For updates (mises à jour) later, you only need to download the software and install it again. Always remember to have a look at the official website to ensure compatibility with add-ons.
If you want to start with KODI start Windows (for HTPC's, for example), I suggest you follow this explanation on Launcher4Kodi .
Do not forget to automatically start Windows without logging in each time. To do this, press the Windows button + R to open the window "Run" or "Exécuter".
Then follow the steps set out in numbers in the picture below (1.qm uncheck the box, the user 2.hdd, 3. Click Apply, and then enter the password for this user to enable it to connect automatically).
Installation and startup on Android
For Android, KODI is available on Google Play. To get you then visited the page devoted and install iton your machine. Once you install it will automatically updates.
If you want to start running on KODI, we can adopt two ways, the first is to use a special boot tool for multimedia interface. To do so, download the tool Simple TV Launcher or XBMC Launcher that can do the job well.
Now, regardless of Aalnzam we are working on, everything will be similar in terms of the settings.Just follow the steps below.
1. Set Language
KODI will be in English when you first boot it. To change it into French, go to:
System> Settings> Appearance> International = System> Settings> Appearance> International.
Now you have to choose your preferred language and the state.
2. System Setup
We must change the default settings in the KODI. Therefore, you should go to
System Settings> System> = Système> Paramètres> Système.
Here there are three main lists. In the video output, you can specify the dimensions, the screen and crop the image to fit perfectly with the screen frame. These are the basic settings in this menu.
In audio output, overall list, is essentially the number of channels that must be adapted to your sound system.
In the list of power management, you can choose to put «en veille» in the case of non-system activity "Mettre l'affichage en veille en cas d'inactivité"
3. Remote Control Android / iPhone
If you want to use the phone as a remote control, and accepts remote control, go to the - the System> Settings> Services> Remote Control = Système> Paramètres> Services> Contrôle à distance - and choose Autoriser le contrôle à distance par des programmes sur d 'autres systèmes.
There is in the list or web server Web server, to ensure the protection of your Pachtaarasm Mskhaddm and password.
To set up the Android phone, read this allocation of the lesson XBMC Remote or private explanation b Yatse remote control more advanced now.
4. Weather Preparation
To do with the settings of weather, go to System> Settings> Weather and choosing Weather Information Service (OpenWeatherMap Extended is a wonderful addition - if you want to enjoy all the advantages, create an account opened on the site OpenWeather which will give you a key to enter the settings)
In the settings you can choose the places you want to know the weather.
Thus we have finished the basic settings. Now you can add your own videos.
Naming Videos properly
KODI works by "scrapers" different Skraiberat (scripts -scripts- which analyzes the data - and here are the videos addresses) to find videos that are given to him. This means that KODI analyzes your file name, and then searches on IMDB (or adoption Alskreiber) to find the movie, series or anime, and when you find it, it loads images and summaries.
But the success of this step should be to have an idea of movies and episodes. If we must take into account certain criteria.
For serials and animation, there are examples that could be adopted and understood well by the server:
Nom.saisonXépisode.titre.avi : Criminal.Minds.01x01.Pilote.avi -1
SaisonXépisode.avi nom : Criminal Minds 01x01.avi -2
For movies, there are also examples of this:
Titre.avi : Finding.Nemo.avi / Finding Nemo.avi / Le monde de Nemo.avi -1
2- Titre (année) the .avi : Finding.Nemo (2003) the .avi / Finding Nemo (2003) the .avi / Le monde de Nemo (2003) the .avi
I advise you to add the year in the film because it is for the two addresses are identical (give you a simple example, Frankenstein), will help determine the year KODI to choose the best, otherwise you will end up with a strange versions.
I advise you also to separate sections Shall true your Altobeir- (répertoires), it is very important for KODI's. Create Series guide and beneath the television set chains, another proof of special movies and another one special Balonima, arranged such TV series as needed. Unfortunately, KODI does not separate fees and TV series. And it is underwhelming.
Add Videos to KODI
Now that you have a wonderful lists with correct names, will be on KODI add your videos so arrange everything.
In the main menu go to: - Video> Files> File> Add video source
Vidéos> Fichiers> Fichiers> Ajouter une source vidéo -
Browse "parcourir" and determine the source "source".
And then select the type of content that was of movies or TV series (anime embedded here).
Here in the options for movies, go to Settings and then told KODI if you want to get the original version or not. Select your preferred language
Note for movies, a selection between Tmbd or Imdb. Note that in the private television soap operas Alskreiber, there animeDB for anime.
Click OK, then OK again. KODI will ask you if you want immediate scan of the library. Please click yes and leave the rest to him.
Then the same steps to add a section to the KODI. For the TV series, classification is between Tvdb and Imdb.
Eventually you should be able to view all your movies and Slslatk without major problems.
Extensions "Extensions"
KODI evidence on the strength of the program, are accessories that can be added. So I will give you links to the wonderful lessons:
You can also change the appearance of the program and through the perfect "thèmes". To determine a new one, go to
System> Settings> Appearance = Système> Paramètres> Apparence.
Turn "Habillage" and then "" en obtenir plus and there Experiment.
That's it, now you have all the basic rules for management of KODI and owning experience. This explanation is an update to explain the Old was in 2012 in a foreign location, over time it, KODI more smooth and simple program gained.
For additions Fmtofferh so you'll have hours to spend with her. Now, enjoy this wonderful program!